
By Raghunath Das

Certificate Course

Enroll Now

Course Duration

20 Hours


90 Minutes/ Session

No. Of Sessions


Sessions per week





Schedule of Classes


Starts on


7:00 PM - 8:30 PM

Regular classes on

Monday - Friday

About the Teacher


Raghunath Das

Details Not Provided

Course Overview

Course Description

Deity worship is designed to fully engage our senses in serving a tangible form of the Supreme Person we can see and touch. Students will learn to bathe, dress, feed, and decorate the Deity, and to entertain Him through singing and dancing. This immersive service deepens our relationship with Krishna.

Course Material

  • Puja Paraphernalia

Target Audience

  • Congregation members
  • Practicing Pujaris

Assessment Plan

Multiple Choice Questions (MCQ)

Course Requirements

  • Notebook
  • Pen
  • Deity paraphernalia

Important Guidelines for Students

Please be regular in attending the class.

What Will Students Gain from This Course?

In-depth knowledge and hands-on experience in Premamayi Archanam (loving worship of the Deity).

Why Should One Attend This Course?

To develop a tangible and loving relationship with Krishna through dedicated deity worship.

What Problems of Students Are We Solving Through the Curriculum?

The course addresses the need for structured and practical training in deity worship, ensuring that students can perform their duties with confidence and devotion.

How to Join a Session

How to access the course contents 

How to access the class recordings 

Frequently Asked Questions

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